Thursday, August 2, 2007

How to DRIFT

How to Drift a Car

Drifting is a driving technique and a motor sport where a car slides at an angle, with its side moving forward.

Drifting with Rear Wheel Drive with Gear Manual. (Better if limited slip included. )

"Be a where"
Head to an open area (empty parking lot) and "use your friends car. "

Hand brake technique:

1. Accelerate and shift to second gear, which allows the widest variance of speed and is best for harnessing the engine's torque without overly stressing the mechanicals.

2. Push in the clutch to let the engine rev.

3. With the engine revving, flick the steering wheel to the outside of the turn and steer strongly inside toward the turn.

4. Simultaneously release the clutch. (If you are uncomfortable with this method of sliding, try pulling the hand brake to further reduce traction(never pull brake while accelerating). While that won't kill your car initially, it is a bad habit to get into. Don't start now.)

5. Immediately steer the car in the direction of the slide. You're drifting!

Speed Variant:

1. Accelerate up to about 40-60mph
2. turn quickly, but not full lock, while - disengaging the clutch quickly(and releasing the accelerator)
3. When you feel the slide, re-engage the clutch, quickly counter steer, and apply throttle smoothly.
